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Madden 25 NextGen D eGuide
Madden 25 Next Gen Starter Defense eGuideThis Madden 25 Next Gen eGuide features coverage of the 3-4Defensive Playbook. This defense was built early in the Next Gen ofMadden and is a complete way to play defense! Perfect for anyonepicking up Madden on PS4 or XBox One because things are TOTALLYdifferent on that side of the ball!What's Inside?PC, Mac and Android Compatible Programs/Apps!Full Write Ups, Setups of Everything -- Nothing Left Out!EXCLUSIVE HD Video's, No one else HAS THEM! Explaining How to Do Itand Game Play!If you would just like the Android Version -- Purchase Here fromthe Google Play Store2 Styles and Many Plays of Run DefenseMultiple Styles of Pass Defense Concepts You Will Use ForeverHow to defend the Read, Speed, and Triple OptionsMultiple 3 Setup MAX COVERAGE Blitz'sCoverage of 3-4 Normal and Even; Master ItDominant 3-3-5 and Psycho Nickel D2-3-6 Will 4 WR DefenseGoal Line Defense and QB Sneak DefenseGame play videos and much more!
Madden 25 Free Eagles eGuide 1.0
This Free eGuide is a preview to myPremiumGuides I make. They have twice as more content as this one.This free eGuide is meant to introduce you to what you canexpectfrom my work! More than 9200 subscribers to my YouTubechannel havebeen waiting for my Madden 25 eGuides on Android! Wantto get betterat Madden 25? I cover the Philadelphia EaglesOffensive Playbook forfree in Madden 25. Now you can have whatthousands of elite Maddenplayers have experienced on my YouTubeChannel and eBooks; right onyour device.This free eGuide covers the Philadelphia Eagles Playbook.Itfeatures access to exclusive HD YouTube videos you won'tgetanywhere else, write ups, setups and more to the EaglesPlaybook. Icover 5 Sections in the eGuide:- AudiblesThe Eagles Playbook is a non confrontational in the pass gameandstraight ahead in the run game. You want to take advantage oftheScreen mismatches, inside runs and remember which formationshavethe best passing options.- Depth ChartWe all know the Eagles are speed demons but I point outtheeffectiveness and depth of their TE and FB roster. Find outwhyspeed is so important at all times. Though the running QB'sareeffective you do NOT need a fast QB to run this. Youcanreplace QB runs with Inside zone; same concept.- Screen PassesScreen passes are all over the Eagles Playbook. Knowing when andhowto run them is important as running or passing.- Best Passing PlaysTheir aren't many great passing plays so it is important you runtheball, throw screens, and use the better routes in the game toyouradvantage. The best routes are 1. Unbumpable Post Routes 2.WheelRoutes 3. Corner Routes 4. Post-Corner Routes 5. RBWheels.- Run ReadsThis playbook is a dead up running playbook. All you have to doismake the correct read. You could techincally make a case to runiton everyplay with reads. The inside zone works like a dive andreadoption. If you run 3 WR inside zone, thats 6 blockers. TheTackleswill bypass one of the ends so if you have 7 guys it isstill notenough. HB Dives and Inside zones are a walking 2 yardgain.